Vehicle Replacement Program

Get money from the Valley Air District to replace your older, high-polluting vehicle with a newer vehicle or upgrade to a hybrid or electric vehicle. The program is limited to vehicle owners residing in the jurisdiction of the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District who meet the income and vehicle requirements.


After your application is approved, you can shop for a newer, cleaner car at one of our authorized dealers.

We will give the dealer the check for the down payment. The amount of incentive check that you receive is dependent on your income level and the type of replacement vehicle you purchase. Cleaner vehicles receive higher incentives! We encourage our customers to upgrade to the cleanest models possible. Replacement vehicles must be 2018 or newer and meet our MPG requirements. See our FAQ page for more details.

We will collect your old car for retirement on the day that you take home your new vehicle. All retirement cars are destroyed and recycled so that they are no longer able to pollute our Valley air!


Current Vehicle
Model year 2006 or older (2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, etc…)
Gas powered
Has been used in CA for the past 2 years
Under your ownership for at least 6 months

Household income must be at or below 300% of federal poverty level. We use a copy of your tax return or W-2 for your most recent year to determine household income and number of persons in household.

You must reside within the jurisdiction of the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District. Approved “Disadvantaged Communities” may receive higher incentives. Many neighborhoods in the Valley are designated as DAC – please contact us to find out if your address qualifies.


1.      2  years of CA vehicle registration
(2022 through present if you have it)

2.     2  years of CA vehicle insurance
(2022 through present if you have it)

3.     Vehicle Title
→ You must have owned your car for at least 6 months
→ Needs to be under your name for at least 6 months

4.     First 2 pages of last year’s 1040 tax return
→ You can cover the SSN, we don’t need it

5.    Current PG&E or SoCal Edison bill
→ It does not have to be under your name

6.     Valid CA Driver’s License


If you qualify for a plug-in replacement vehicle, we will help you apply for other rebates that you are eligible through your utility provider! Our team will guide you through the application and send it in for you. You must live at an address covered by PG&E or SCE to apply. Call 559-404-0255 for more information.

You may also choose to replace your car with a qualified E-Bike or transit pass. For more information email or


Drive Clean in the San Joaquin is a program of the Valley Air District.