About Tune In & Tune Up

If you are a San Joaquin Valley resident and you think your vehicle is in need of smog related repairs, bring it to the next scheduled Tune In & Tune Up event in your area for a free emissions test.

If your vehicle fails our emissions test, you get a $500 voucher for emission-related repairs at a local STAR-certified smog shop. The $500 can only be used for diagnostics, smog testing, smog repair work, and certification.

We are only concerned about your vehicle emissions, not your personal life, so any data we collect is only used for internal reporting and is not shared with outside agencies.

Have questions?
Please visit our FAQ page for more details.

Tune In & Tune Up Program Impact

Since 2005, 70,000 low-income disadvantaged community residents have come to Tune In & Tune Up smog events throughout the San Joaquin Valley, resulting in repairs to 30,000 high-emitting vehicles.  More than half of these vehicles were unregistered before undergoing necessary repairs to become smog compliant.


vehicles attend biweekly events


vehicles fail emissions tests & receive repair vouchers up to $850


customers reside w/ in disadvantaged communities (SB 535 ZIP codes)


vouchers redeemed at STAR-certified smog shops


customer vehicles are unregistered


unregistered vehicles complete DMV registration after attending our events & completing repairs


The program efficiently converts program funds into quantifiable emissions reductions.

Cost-effectiveness for all three criteria pollutant gasses is approximately $8,000 per ton. Tune In & Tune Up has been shown to be among the most cost-effective methods to reduce vehicle emissions in California.


$1 million in Tune In & Tune Up spending produces 1,150 repairs resulting in approximate annual reductions of:


tons CO


tons HC


tons NOx

About the Valley Air District

For more information about the Valley Air District, visit their website here.