The emPOWER program is a coordinated regional-wide outreach program with a mission to overcome barriers to sustainable energy usage commonly experienced in low-income and working-class communities of color.
Los Angeles and Inland Empire
Valley CAN has partnered with Liberty Hill Foundation in Southern California to work with community-based organizations, utility service providers and public agencies, with a goal to combat climate change. Together, we make sure that the people hurt most by pollution, extreme heat, and increasing utility bills in these regions can receive residential resources and free information that helps them switch to environmentally-friendly transportation options or lower their utility bills and home energy usage.
For more information about emPOWER outreach in Southern California please visit Liberty Hill Foundation’s webpage: https://www.libertyhill.org/how-we-work/campaigns/empower-outreach/
For a list of available programs in Southern California, please visit our Guide 2 Green Wiki Page here: https://valleycan.my.site.com/G2G/s/
San Joaquin Valley
In 2022, emPOWER was able to expand to the San Joaquin Valley through our Community Benefits team and our partnership with the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz).