Vehicle Replacement Workshops

Our team hosts in-person weekday events across communities in the San Joaquin Valley to assist residents apply for the vehicle replacement program. We can answer your questions and accept the paperwork needed to complete your application.

Please bring the following paperwork with you to the workshop event:

1.      2  years of CA vehicle registration (2023 through present if you have it)
2.     2  years of CA vehicle insurance (2023 through present if you have it)
3.     Vehicle Title (You must have owned your car for at least 6 months. Needs to be under your name for at least 6 months)
4.     First 2 pages of last year’s 1040 tax return (You can cover the SSN, we don’t need it)
5.     Recent electricity bill (It does not have to be under your name)
6.     Valid CA Driver’s License

AB 617 Community

Are you eligible? Enhanced incentives are reserved for residents of the San Joaquin Valley AB 617 communities. Select a community below and type in your address. Qualifying addresses must fall within the pink shaded area of each map.

Upcoming Events


Drive Clean in the San Joaquin is a program of the Valley Air District.